Important Activities to set up the Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP)

Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) is one of the biggest problems that the authorities/local governing bodies face when it comes to keeping the small towns clean. FSSM is one aspect that if done properly, not only helps to increase the productivity of a city but also helps in combating multiple communicable diseases and creates a healthy and clean environment for people to live in. Currently onsite pit latrines and septic tanks account for a substantial portion of toilets in urban India – over 47 % of urban Indian households depend on onsite sanitation facilities, according to Census 2011, and this proportion is increasing. In many cases, households do not report cleaning of septic tanks Important Activities to setup the FSTP for a number of years. Some ULBs have desludging equipment or there are private players providing cleaning services but the supply of desludging services is far from adequate. In many instances, faecal sludge and septage is dumped in drains or open areas...