
Climate Resilient structures of the Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) in the context of Assam and North-east Region

  Overview of Climate Resilient Structures of FSTP Climate plays an important role and is considered one of the main designing aspects and challenges to Urban Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM). The processes occurring in the operations of a Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) are subsequently affected by climate. Hence, a sustainable design plan or a climate resilient plan of the FSTP will help protect from the impact of climate change. The design and maintenance of the FSTP should have climate-resilient features to ensure preventive measures are included to mitigate any potential impacts of extreme weather events. The design and construction of the FSTP should be assessed with the best available climate data and historical weather data. A general description of the infrastructure like the method used for the treatment processes, location, historic climate, and other relevant factors should be identified and documented.  It considers the following points for the d...

Important Activities to set up the Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP)

Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) is one of the biggest problems that the authorities/local governing bodies face when it comes to keeping the small towns clean. FSSM is one aspect that if done properly, not only helps to increase the productivity of a city but also helps in combating multiple communicable diseases and creates a healthy and clean environment for people to live in. Currently onsite pit latrines and septic tanks account for a substantial portion of toilets in urban India – over 47 % of urban Indian households depend on onsite sanitation facilities, according to Census 2011, and this proportion is increasing. In many cases, households do not report cleaning of septic tanks Important Activities to setup the FSTP for a number of years. Some ULBs have desludging equipment or there are private players providing cleaning services but the supply of desludging services is far from adequate. In many instances, faecal sludge and septage is dumped in drains or open areas...

Fecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM)

 Why FSSM is so Important:-  To eradicate open defecation from both rural and urban India, Swachh  Bharat Mission was launched by Government of India on 2nd October  2014. The focus of the mission was to construct toilet for safe containment of  FS and subsequent treatment of the sludge through treatment plants to  protect human health and environment. Large number of household and public toilets were constructed in the  purview of the mission. In the events of septic tanks or pit latrines become full, and  the sludge is largely discharged untreated into open drains, irrigation  fields, open lands or surface waters due to lack of infrastructure &  enforcement of laws. To address latter issue, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban  Transformation (AMRUT) was launched to provide sewerage facilities  and septage management process across the country. In a view to manage FS in an environmentally safe & sustainable  m...

Construction of Septic Tank and Soak Pit


Guidelines for Implementation of Deep Row Entrenchment (A Temporary Solution for Managing Faecal Sludge and Septage)

  1 . Introduction: Deep Row Entrenchment as a Temporary Solution for Managing Faecal Sludge and Septage Scope:   This is a method of land application of FSS where trenches are dug in the ground, filled with sludge and covered with soil. The liquid leaches out and the residual solids, upon decomposition, enriches the soil. However, this technique should only be applied following the correct technical design and also the administrative and safety protocols. Regular quality testing of surrounding water sources and also of the soil at the site is necessary. Failure to do so can cause contamination of land and water sources, which will add to the problem instead of mitigating it. Limitation: Site selection is one of the most crucial factors of DRE. As such, it requires land availability and that which is relatively flat. Additionally, it should not be carried out in sensitive areas – such as those prone to landslides, flash floods or water recharge zones (surface water or groun...